We often pass them in airports or see them sitting across from us in a restaurant. We will see them strolling by us as we walk down the street, or sitting next to us on the train. Most of the time we might notice them, but we rarely acknowledge them. They are worn with pride, but receive little recognition. Each one has a story behind it, probably a story of a lost loved one, a story of bravery, a story of triumph, or a story of hardship, but they all carry the story of freedom.
A few years back, I might have noticed them, but I would have never acknowledged them, until the moment my sister-in-law taught me differently. I watched her set the example before me, and it changed my outlook forever when we see a MILITARY VETERAN hat like this one.
Since the moment my sister-in-law taught me the significance of recognition, our family now always stops to say “thank you.” Whether we are in the Walmart parking lot, boarding an airplane, or sitting down at a restaurant, we always take the time to say thank you.
Since she was two, I have encouraged my little girl, Margaret, to say “thank you for your service” to each person wearing a military hat no matter where we are. In return we have been truly blessed by the heroes we have met; those from the greatest generation—World War II veterans, Vietnam veterans who never have felt appreciated, and we have even had the privilege of meeting a man who served during four wars.
I am telling you this story not to brag, but to encourage and challenge you to do the same. I had to be taught this valuable lesson and I hope in return I can help you recognize the importance of acknowledging these great servicemen and women.
Whether it was two years or 20 years, that time of service defines the person. They wear the military hat with pride. And even though the veteran might not wear the hat to be noticed, but they do appreciate the recognition. I challenge you, when you see a military veteran hat, say “thank you!” You will indeed bless the veteran who is wearing it.