A Man With a Dream

“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. “

Martin Luther King Jr.

None of us knows the reality of life before the Civil War.  None of us were alive when slavery on American soil was a reality.  My generation can’t even fathom what the Civil Rights Movement and segregation really means.  We have seen the movies; we have seen the pictures; we have read the history books. But to us, the tales of brutality and injustice are just stories we have heard.  My generation doesn’t know the harsh reality of it all.  There are many of you, however, who did live through the Civil Rights Movement, and the memories are still a very vivid. Today is Martin Luther King Day, and—no matter what our age—it is a great time to remind ourselves that we were all created equal.

My grandfather and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. were good friends and worked together on many occasions.  Both wanted to see a nation of people who looked at the human heart and not the skin color.  For a better understanding of the history of their relationship, please read this article from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

But even with all the history, we still face racial issues today. Even in 2008, when America elected its first African-American president, there were some voters who were swayed by the color of Barack Obama’s skin. It was wrong to vote “yes” or “no” for this reason alone. Because of that flawed logic, racial tension grew throughout the country. Thisis just one of example of how race is still a major issue today in America and in the human heart throughout the world.

For God so loved the WORLD (red and yellow, black and white…they are precious in His sight) that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life! John 3:16

He died for each of us the same way and loves us each the same.

Please join me in praising the Lord for the progress our country has made in the last 50 years and praying that we, the human race, will continue to make progress in seeing a person’s heart and character instead of their skin color.