A month after I had my first child, I called my mother up and told her “sorry.” I told her how sorry I was for never truly understanding the vastness of her love and how often I took it for granted… and I might have also told her sorry for all the eye rolls I have sent her way over the years. We never truly understand a mother’s love until we become a mom.
At the age of thirty-two, I feel like I need my mother more than ever. I need her advice, I depend on her physical help, I seek her wisdom, I need her always lending ear, but most importantly I need her prayers. Satan doesn’t stand a chance with he sees Jane Graham on her knees praying! I have often said there is nothing more powerful than the power of praying mama. Many times when I call my mom in the morning, she said she didn’t sleep well, because she was up praying for us children.
There is nothing more powerful than the power of praying mama.
My husband’s grandmother recently passed away and at the family dinner following her memorial service, his uncle was talking to the family and he said something that struck a pain in my heart. He said, “For the first time in my life, I do not have a mother daily praying for me.” I realized I, too, am blessed to have a mother who is a prayer warrior in my corner who daily covers her children and their families in prayer.
The other night I was in lying next to my little girl in bed, and as I always do after our prayers, I told her not to grow over night. But as the years quickly slip away, I know I will see her grow, and one day, the Lord willing, we will be mothers together.
I am thankful the Lord blessed me four years ago with a little girl named Margaret, because for the first time in my life I was able to have a glimpse of what my mother’s love for me was like.
We never truly understand a mother’s love until we become mothers ourselves.
Reading this poem from my grandmother reminds me to treasure the small moments now and hold onto them as my little girls grows. I pray that I will be present during these short days even when I feel like I’m failing as a mom, and that the Lord will guide us as we grow together, and that I can follow the example my mom and grandmothers set before me to cover my daughter—my children—in prayer.