
My Chance To Go Back

It was the spring of 2007 when the Lord laid it on my heart to work for Samaritan’s Purse for the summer. I felt like I’d spent the two previous years living for the needs others in a way that did not allow the Lord to work in my life.  I was in desperate need …

I’ll Be Packing My Bags

Guess where I am heading back to! Well, you probably won’t guess, but I am heading back to Liberia!

Idols Aside Ministries: Hunting Retreat

Since we have lived in Florida, Corey and I have been blessed by getting to know Mark and Becky Wright, founders of Idols Aside Ministries.  Mark is a former Appalachian football player, and Becky use to work at Samaritan’s Purse.

Train Our Love

This Valentines Day, I think back to one of my favorite poems written by my grandmother, Ruth Bell Graham. In celebrating LOVE today, I want you to remember, love is work.  We must constantly be working at our relationships.  So this is my prayer this morning.

Must Survive Mental Chaos

Chaos. That’s the word I would use to describe my life lately.  I wake up thinking about things I need to get done and go to bed thinking of everything I didn’t accomplish—which now overflows to my list for tomorrow.

NC Bound: Part Two

Well, we are finally home. We are praising the Lord for an amazing trip and the chance to get to see lots of loved ones. That is the major plus to the NFL off-season, we get to enjoy time together and with family and friends. I only wish our visits could have lasted a little …

Operation Christmas Child in Haiti

A Samaritan’s Purse photographer, David Morrison, just sent these pictures yesterday from Haiti. Our Operation Christmas Child (OCC) staff is in Haiti this week for several shoebox distributions.

NC Bound: Part One

Corey and I are on a road trip to North Carolina! During the off-season we always try to catch up with as many friends and family as possible. Our destination is North Carolina and we are making many stops on the way!

The List

The other day, Corey and I were driving in the car talking about taking scuba lessons.  Since we have been married, Corey has tried to convince me to do this, but I keep putting it off.  

A Year In Words

Bon Dieu :God 
“My daughter was killed. Was it God’s judgment? I don’t know, I just have to believe in God. He does what He wants, whenever He wants. If it weren’t for God, I would be dead, too.” 
-Jonas Laguerre

A Man With a Dream

“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. “

Bring On The Off-Season!

It is January! And for the few Buccaneer fans, you all know it was a huge disappointment not to make it to the playoffs. But after six months of football being our life 24/7, our world comes to a sudden halt.