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Subscribe to Fearless vAs Christian parents, it’s important that we know what our school system is teaching our children. I believe that we are in a battle, a spiritual war, for our children’s hearts, minds, and souls in this country. We need to be prepared to stand up for our children and speak biblical truth into their lives. Will we sit back and allow the secular left to win our children over, or are we going to fight for them?
On today’s episode of Fearless, I’ve invited my friend Todd Chasteen, Vice President of Public Policy and Corporate Counsel at Samaritan’s Purse, to discuss these educational issues and help encourage you in truth as you advocate for your children.
- Deuteronomy 6:4-9
- Romans 3:28
- Acts 17
- Psalm 128:3
- Philadelphia School Teacher Worries about ‘Conservative’ Parents Listening in on Virtual Classes –
- Harper Collins Publishers – The Content of Our Character by Shelby Steele –
- Monique Duson – Say No to Critical Race Theory —
- Yale Daily News – Faculty Call for Ideological Diversity –
- Just Thinking Podcast with Darryl Harrison and Virgil Walker –
- Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
- Billy Graham Radio
- Samaritan’s Purse
- 1776 Unites
- J. Warner Wallace Resources
- Summit Ministries
- Colson Center for Christian Worldview
- Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Facebook:
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- Billy Graham Radio Facebook: